Globetrotters Ball Kid, April 10, KCAC, presented by Grand Beginnings

A lucky contestant will be the Harlem Globetrotter “Ball Kid” on April 10th when the Globetrotters come to the KCAC! The “Ball Kid” will be selected from a coloring contest: One lucky winner age 6 to 12 AND a friend.
The lucky winner will receive (4) tickets, a Harlem Globetrotters t-shirt, an autographed basketball by the Harlem Globetrotters. Even more exciting, they will sit under the basket during pregame warmups and bring a friend! Parents, download the coloring page and upload the image here on our Harlem Globetrotters Ball Kid Page. Or you can mail it to Renda Media, 840 Philadelphia Street, Indiana, PA 15701 … or drop it off at the same address.
The Globetrotters will provide 4 tickets, meet and greets, t-shirts, and autographed balls for winners!
The Harlem Globetrotter Ball Kid is presented by Grand Beginnings!